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Education at  Dr.NCC  and I Create Business school is not just confined to teaching content of subjects prescribed. Every faculty member is a mentor of 20 students. Each faculty member will have weekly one and one mentoring on the over personality development of men-tees. Mentor closely evaluates his / her academics, regularity, punctuality, behavioural patterns, and mental, emotional quotient in order to groom them to be industry Ready professional in the field of management education. The mentoring program is monitored continuously by the committee, consisting of principal, vice Principal and other experienced faculty members of the committee. The mentor-ship program aimed at achieving the following.

To build strong relationship between students and staff to guide them towards their desired area of professional interest.

To closely monitor the periodical progress of student to work closely on the startup ideas and nurture them as entrepreneurs.


Admissions Are In Progress for the Academic Year 2025-2026